I still get that sentimental feeling
novembre 30, 2007, 12:43
Filed under: Agent of Amour

when the phone rings, i run to pick up the call because i know its from you. You. My love.

Times have been unaccommodating towards Patrick & I. First the terrible distance, then the deployment and now, the boot camp where internet is not available and we communicate by phone twice a day. I can’t indulge in my obsession and call him whenever I want to ; instead I wait for him to call when the military lets him. Once again, the odds are stacked up so high against us.

But it makes things just so much rewarding. Every call I receive from him makes me smile in gratitude, in happiness. I am too proud to admit I am in love because the cheesiness of the phrase and the hackneyed term seems to depreciate the value I hold so close between us. This evening, he called to say he would be back later than usual and that he loves me. He tells me with firm resolution in his voice that I am the only girl for him today, yesterday, the day before, tomorrow and forever. Being in the academic rut yesterday, I was reading up on our very first chat log in Novembre 05. I cried and laughed at some of the absurd things we talked about.

I hold these moments of light and love so close to my heart.

It’s difficult not to judge other couples after what Patrick and I have to go through ( and are going through). When Sarah, Bonnie and I get ourselves some Iguanarita at the boat quay area, we see tons of these sketchy white men with their trophy asian girlfriends parading around. We all know that the only reason why these SWM have a cute girl hanging onto the crook of their arm is because they are well, white. Not the least attractive at all for many. So this is where I start getting judgmental about things. First of all, these sketchy white men and their trophy asian girlfriends have probably never been away from each other for long. Not as long as Patrick and I have been. Second, they suck. You can just see the lack of chemistry between these people because as I have observed ( yes I spy on people secretly over margaritas in clarke quay ), they do not converse at all during the entire dinner which would span about 30 to 40 mins or so. I don’t understand how people can not talk or share an inflow of ideas ( about ambience or whatever ). You wouldn’t hang out with people that you couldn’t talk to, would you? In the frosty silence that ensues, the food will be chilled. Makes for distasteful companionship, I would imagine.  That’s how you know that people like these should never be together in the first place. Why? Because they can’t even have a good time together, they have nothing in common and the attraction ( if any and for however limited period of time ) will eventually fizzle out.

I hate that we have to be an inter racial couple. Because the ones I see in Singapore are just embarrassing. They are the epitome of how relationships never should be. I feel terribly self conscious when Patrick and I walk down the streets because I feel like the rest of the world, will just judge us like the other SWM and their trophy asians. I suppose we’re better off in America where white men dating asians aren’t seen as sketchy. Unless it’s a 55 year old fat white male and a 25 year old nubile female asian. That’s sketchy everywhere, in my books.

Anyway, it’s pretty obvious that Patrick isn’t a SWM. Let’s face it, these white men are sketchy for the sole reason of their sexual deviance to put it harshly. And, in the absence of sex ( intercourse, foreplay and other what have yous ) there is a default negation of sketchiness. I swear, these SWM are all around. Actually any white male in Asia is a SWM by default until proven otherwise. So far, I’ve only met 3 guys who aren’t SWM because all they’re interested in is playing risk, playing computer games and just having a beer.

Kinda like Patrick, replace the risk with poker. The phallic female in me is naturally drawn to men like that, don’t ask.


stars & stripe(r)s
novembre 29, 2007, 12:26
Filed under: 1

It’s been soo difficult to get back into the studying routine today; it’s like you can almost see the end but it’s still out of reach. Gah.

So anyway, I amused myself by snooping around various US Navy sites and besides stumbling upon the interesting navybuddy.com site where I found Patrick’s name and got a thrill out of my little success, I also found an interesting read. Articles that pander to my knowledge about sailors in Japan ( and sex ) generally find an interested bone in me. Read here.

born ready.
novembre 29, 2007, 03:38
Filed under: 1

I am born for better and greater things in life.

I’ve always known it, since the days of being trapped under this stifling rubble of the Singapore education system. The affirmation I get from everyone around me push me to greater heights, with the knowledge that if I should fail, I will always be able to stand back up again. Head high, proud.

My grades are indeed mediocre. I have no shame admitting my achievements ( or lack thereof ) but I also know that these numbers will not make or break my opportune of success in life.

It feels so good to have so much encouragement around me, from professors, from friends, telling me that I have so much potential. This phase in my life, stuck in a miserable rut I call college life will come to pass so quickly in the next few months. It was through the University Scholars Program that I found the recognition and the affirmation, the little push that I needed and crave for. And this is where I found acceptance, friendship and academic content among like peers. This is my springboard to a better amelioration of things in my life to come.  All I needed was some recognition and with it comes my key to be better.

It is ambitious. To proclaim loudly and confidently that I want to work for the US government in the league of mandarin translation. Who is this starry eyed college kid, her heart full of hope for a better tomorrow. It’s amazing how much I am looking forward to my leaving this university where the students are too blinded by the needs of today to realize a bigger tomorrow of job prospects and many other better things to come. Too busy, too tired for the happier things in life — hugs, cookies and seeking comfort in stuffed toys. ( Odd but I felt comforted by the furry little presence sitting on my lap yesterday in the chatterbox ) . I don’t claim to be less busy, less tired and less disenchanted with school. I don’t claim to be better than anyone. I just have a direction to go, even though I don’t know where we’ll be in Spring 2009.

Over the phone today, Patrick related the happy news that a colleague suggested that I would probably be able to work for the Naval law office in Japan because of my college degree and my language skills. And while I know other better qualified Americans from distinguished colleges may speak Mandarin with a far proficient accent ( think peking ) than I can, I believe I have the upper hand over them because of these reasons.

1. I’m actually chinese. Here’s an example. Between a native Japanese who speaks english with no hint of an accent at all and a white American ( who learnt japanese in college for 4 years ), who would you hire to do Japanese translations? The fact is race and ethnicity and sometimes nationalistic reasons do play a prejudicing role in getting hired for language studies, translation etc.

2. I am a minority female. The U.S government has many many racial quotas to meet and in a field as masculine or as racially inclined as the military, female asians are beholden for meeting quotas. This is one instant where I don’t mind being reduced to a mere statistics, if it fulfills a larger end.

3. I am and will be the wife of a military personnel. Security clearances would have already been done ages ago, leaving red tape considerably less daunting in my favor.

4. Its a military base. That means most of its denizens will be active military members or their spouses. Not trying to insult anyone but most military members rarely have a degree during their time of service. The point of the being enlisting is sometimes for the G.I bill. And most of their spouses ( presumably Japanese women who are at the end of the social hierachy there) are not as educated as say.. a liberal arts graduate who can speak english and mandarin.

I am ready to start another life with Patrick, in another country. Be it the United States, Japan or wherever the Navy takes us.

I write this blog entry in memorandum, to look back and reflect upon in better times when success has unfurled.

13 days
novembre 29, 2007, 01:19
Filed under: 1

I am counting down to the days of going home, on facebook, on msn and of course, on my wordpress blog.

I’ve gotten much better after two trips — for the breathing problem and the horrifying large zit , to the doctor who informed me that I am overly stressed out. I have resumed my eating habits and Facial Distress has gone down significantly. I expect it to have disappeared completely in the next week or so, just in time for post-exam happy partying. Well, not partying in that sense of the word but yummy margaritas at Cafe Iguana and amazing company. I just have to put the prescribed acne medication on the FD for now while I’m stuck at home and studying for US foreign policy on saturday.

So close.. Two weeks, I can almost taste the wintry frost and feel the rustle of Patrick sleeping next to me.

Over ice cream last night, after our western political thought exam we reminisced the good times of good ol american food in our favorite Olive Garden and the Red Lobster. It brings back cascades of memories just thinking back on how Patrick and I looooove the Olive Garden, he’s especially fond of a certain lemon cake dessert they have that. Me, I don’t like most cakes much as my better friends would know ( thank you Crystal for remembering which ).

Anyway, I’m ready to go back. To float into the arms of my hubby and remain froever in bliss. Truly, it’s the little things that make my eyes twinkle. I’m still smiling from the fact that unexpectedly, he called yesterday while I was in the cab home after a delicious bout of ice cream. I wasn’t expecting calls until this morning but that one minute of his voice made me unbelievably happy. I’m counting down to the days I can be with him, uninterrupted 🙂

The days are just dragging by, even more so because of the exams. But thank god for encouraging professors, happy hugs, awesome friends and amazing white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from subway.

Thank you Lynette, Crystal, Sarah, Bonnie and Patrick for making this tolerable.

Hang in there m’ dears.

20 days baby
novembre 22, 2007, 10:30
Filed under: 1

I am so bad at updating this blog.

Life has just been a whirl of frenzy. One would never have guessed, from happy pictures of smiling faces and bright lights of the city reflecting in the dancing eyes of friends — that being 21 would indeed mark the end of simpler days on end.

I had both of my lower wisdom teeth removed last friday at my dentist. It was a horrifying experience. Under the scope of a glaring surgical light and surrounded by clinical white walls, with the sound of my pain muffled against the quite yelps of futility, I tried to rise above myself.

There is no point in idealism because reality is all there is. Instead of wishing for a deux ex machina ending, I tried hard to plan for my eugenics essay due the following tuesday. But it was just too hard to concentrate with the dull ache of a tendon pulling as the tooth stubbornly clung on, relishing its every hold. The dreaded drill came next and I could’ve sworn I lost my hearing for that 2 minutes post-surgery. Maybe it would’ve been better if that actually happened ; minutes after, I had the other tooth removed.

I’ve been subsisting on the infantile diet of plain porridge for the last 3 days, and stayed home feeling neglected on Sunday when the family went out for my dad’s birthday. It would’ve made little sense if I had gone so I chose to spend the quiet evening alone. I find solidarity with solitude.

Two days ago, I gave up eating. The entire process was just too painful and strenuous on myself. My esophagus became constricted, as did my chest and swallowing water became painful. Eating, releases endorphins which are happy hormones. Pain, however does too in large quantities.

Apparently, its not enough to lift my spirits from this horrible rut. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I have barely enough energy to sit up straight. All I think of doing is bead shopping, which I did on Tuesday when my swollen face subsided. My finals are coming up and all I’ve done so far is my evolution notes and my read up on Aristotle. Aristotelian philosophy depress me because it hurts to be reading about how inept I am as a mechanical animal whose concerns are with work and school.

The irony — His philosophy is exam fodder.

I finally made my way to the doctor today after my chest tightness got worse and after I started waking up in the middle of the night gasping for breath. He says that these symptoms are psycho somatic and largely due to stress. Well, no wonder. With my first paper on monday.

There is a reason why these medical problems manifest themselves only in Singapore. It’s because I am homesick. I cannot deal with people around me all the time and as much as man is a social animal ( according to Descartes ), we need our space sometimes. I don’t get any here. Everything and everyone adopts an intrusive complex here. At the train station, a coarse voice bellows through the public announcement system rousing me from my afternoon stupor and interrupting my well fabricated ideas of my future. At the park, sweaty boys yell in excitement as the ball teeters on the rim before free-falling into success.

There is a beeping noise that is ubiquitous here. And I promise you, I am not neurotic. Sarah and Bonnie, my girlfriends who go to school in the UNC and GT respectively were the first ones to hear it.

I am so ready to go home. Patrick and I finally bought my air ticket yesterday and I will be leaving in 21 days on the 13th of December. That sliver of hope is enough to keep me going.. Because we all need something to look forward to.

I’m not saying that Singapore is a horrid place to live in. It is just incredulous to compare it to bigger cities like Toronto, Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore and Portland just to name the few that I have lived in.

In Baltimore, history lives in every nook and cranny. The rustic structures in Annapolis immortalize a glorious naval era, glowing with precious patriotism. How different it is today where the miasma of disenchantment hovers like an unwelcome visitor.

Toronto, cold and scenic but with warm hearts and flushed faces. Spaces are wild and bewildering, as the cold frost collides with your warm breath you see a puff of smoke dissipating into the air. I like my solitude and at Edward’s Garden, sitting by a little creek, I am at peace with the world.

In the city of angels, I find solace. How curious that I should use that because tranquility, the hustle and bustle of big city livin’ do not belong in the same sentence. But if you know where to go, you just might be pleasantly surprised. Burbanks is great for horse riding and I like wandering around the woods with my chestnut colored friend. The quiet rustling of leaves and the occasional chipmunk peeks out inquisitively, a wide eyed wonder. There’s Riverside and Pasadena with its idyllic suburbia that deceives me into believing life is perfect.

There is New York, with its flashing billboards and police sirens, confused tourists and an incomplete skyline. Strangely, I find myself at home in this bustling city. Individualism is a sacred tenet, almost a pre-requisite for being in New York. Like Lynette puts it, walking through 4th, 5th and 6th Avenues along Union Street where the walk ups were oh so pretty There was this old school 40s Truman Capote like feel to the houses. I love history, the more the grander.

In my favorite cities, saints have a past and sinners have a future. Rousseau argues that man has not a memory. Au contraire monsieur.Memories are a doorway to immortalize a past that cannot be resurrected.


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( A view of the sunrise in our backyard, MD )

novembre 16, 2007, 14:14
Filed under: Life


it hurts so much, its not even worth it. I paid 900 bucks to suffer, and I’d gladly pay another 900 to die from this. Then maybe I will stop hurting.

novembre 11, 2007, 09:13
Filed under: 1

To everyone who wished me happy birthday on facebook or through text, THANK YOU!

I didn’t think anyone had remembered my 21st except for the hubby so imagine my surprise when Lynnette texted me and said that she had something for me. It turned out to be this pair of beautiful earrings from accessorize that’s my favorite pair now. I love it!!!! Thanks Brandon, Lynn and Gabriel, I really love those earrings! They have ME written all over them haha.

To crystal for bringing the 50% absolut and a slice of chocolate cheese cake, I can’t believe you actually remembered that I hate cakes except cheese cake! It was so awesome hanging out and just bitching about stuff. Haven’t done it in a while and it felt so good to let some steam out and get some hugs from you!!!! 😀

To Sarah and Bonnie, even though I doubt you’re reading this now thank you for the awesome time at boat quay, and the psychedelic time after. I had such a blast!

To the hubby, thank you for your presents. I love the wallet and the keychain but I would’ve loved it even more if you were here. I really would have, because the gifts mean nothing without you. I love you 🙂

If I could choose, I wouldn’t have spent my birthday in any other way. Thank you everyone for making my 21st extra special 🙂

21 years young
novembre 8, 2007, 12:51
Filed under: Life

I miss you, my birthday would be so much better if you were here. There’s no point in any celebration without you here because you are the best present yet.

I love you hubby