Pay per view
Mai 8, 2008, 07:42
Filed under: Life

Yes doesn’t that sound like a strip tease? Well there is little moral difference between high crime profiteering and cunning bank policies. It just occurred to me that the extra $10.00 siphoned away from my chevy chase bank account was for viewing my account balance. I didn’t even know that these asswipes charged me $2 USD everytime I check my account balance on an atm machine. This past 2 days of bank malaise after that horrible atm incident which has yet to be resolved might I add, I’ve been checking my chevychase bank account repeatedly to see if the money has been refunded back to me. Its ridiculous how shoddy these assholes are ; they don’t even tell me that I’m expected to be charged $2 everytime I peek into my account balance! What the fuck? Bureaucracy makes me want to strangle these banks with the very red tape that hinders progress. Piece of Shit Bank called yesterday and said this could take up to 3 or 4 business days and Crappy Cunt Bank told me that this could take up to 10 business days. My losses have been $10 USD so far for the above mentioned and another $3 SGD incurred at the post office yesterday because Crappy Cunt Bank decided they require « official documents » in the form of either a facsimile or an actual mail. Well the second alternative will take 6 to 12 business days to get delivered so of course I had to choose the fax which cost me $3.45 at the post office.

My shitty fortune doesn’t get better ; I went to Dynasty Travels with $400 exact to pay for Anuja and my tickets from Brussels to Paris because Nazir told me that it was $196 each both ways. So I was all prepared for payment and to rid myself of so much money ( I don’t want to get robbed by an actual mugger this time around! Annoyingly, the lady behind the counter who not only took forever, also informed me that the tickets were $214 each altogether totaling up to $428. Well I’ve only got $400 with me so I had to go and withdraw money from the horrible POSB bank opposite in Cheers praying and hoping it doesnt « register hardware failure » and eat up my cash again. Of course everytime I remove money from my US bank accounts I have to pay. These motherfuckers sure know how to jew a chinese.

Clearly, this week has been horrible. I’m counting the seconds to tomorrow because somehow I believe that with the end of the exams things will be better maybe color will return to the world tinged red with frustration and blue from study isolation. I also dare to be further optimistic; hopefully Diana would have already transfered my much needed money and that the $140 will be back in my account tomorrow when I wake. And maybe I’ll make more sales on etsy to beef up my spending money, to pay my etsy selling fees and to buy my box of dailies contact lenses. Yes as you can see each new day really heralds high hopes for me. Oh maybe I’ll pass the exam too, that’d be a bonus.

Back to the mean green. I’ve already taken my mom’s charity of $200 the day before for my thalis train tickets. I hate taking money from my parents because I would hate giving money for someone elses’ pursuits. I hate taking Patrick’s money because.. why should I take someone elses’ money for my self interests? Its not fair when he works so hard for his money. But I’m left without a choice this time around. I’m happy that I’ve been fairly independent. I pay for my own travels, my COACH purses contrary to popular belief , my jewelry, my transport fees, my etsy fees, my little business, my food, my alcohol consumption …

I feel like in my world, money is a big thing because I aspire to be independent and as a result I’m always short of cash. Also because when I get a large amount of cash I blow it all on starbucks, pens, sushi, beer and extravagant buys like purses and books. I’m also unemployed technically. Summer is fast approaching and with the already flailing US economy, things on etsy aren’t looking good because gas prices increase during the summer months whittling away what little spending money Americans can afford anyway. Yes and the falling green back tops it all off like a fucking cherry parfait.

I guess this is where we differ in terms of perspectives and spending habits; Patrick says it’s only money and that I shouldn’t be so upset because money problems are the easiest to solve. But he’s also employed, is fairly wealthy ; because of all the extra money they pay him for being in the Middle East aside from not being able to spend any since he’s there, has a house that he earns rent from, has a mini cooper but isn’t using it right now so he saves on gas… It’s so easy to wave away money problems when you haven’t got ’em. Unlike me. By Singaporean and UN world standards, I am currently living under the poverty line and would have to move to chatterbox if my parents kick me out for any reason. Wait, I’d have faster internet connection, more pillows, air condition, more toiler bowls to choose from if I moved to the cbox. Now that option seems fairly nice. BUT still, the fact of the matter is paypal still owes me a lot of money from uncleared echecks that are expected to clear on the 8th ( today! ) and the asshole banks still owe me money also as do Diana.

Money isn’t everything but right now with less than 30 bucks to my name in the whole wide world, it’s hard for me to negate the importance of money.

6 commentaires so far
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hmm. Relax, everything gonna be allright! Good luck tomorrow!

Commentaire par Andrew

Plus don’t feel bad about taking money from your boyfriend (?). It’s not like you don’t give him anything in return!

Commentaire par Andrew

shit. I meant « it’s not that he expects you to give him anything in return ». Giving money can also be pleasant.

Commentaire par Andrew

yeah I know giving money can also be pleasant especially for guys they see it as fulfilling some sort of social obligation which in return boosts their ego. But still.. it’s not fair to be spending someone elses’ money for silly pursuits. And I feel like he gives more than I do which results in a guilt trip..

Its a vicious cycle…

Commentaire par petitnatalie

Some argue that it’s alright since he’s my fiance but I really don’t see it that way. Its still one person’s hard work and the principle of the matter is that I’m taking and not really giving back enough since I’m still unemployed.

Commentaire par petitnatalie

hahaha strictly speaking, all of us students are living under the poverty line since we don’t earn any declared income 🙂


Commentaire par machiavellian84

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