why asian girls like white guys
juin 16, 2008, 16:22
Filed under: Agent of Amour

( to be honest, my preference has now shifted from white men whom I deem sketchy to Asian-American males who have the charm and muscular physique of their white counterparts, complemented perfectly with a pithy understanding on what it is to be azn. Heaven forbid, the accent is also a killer! Patrick, I’ve always thought, is an asian stuck in a white males’ body because he is acutely filial, loves to play computer games, is an anime/manga geek, loves very spicy asian food, enjoys eating rice indeed more than i do, has fish sauce ,oyster sauce, sriracha chilli sauce , bak choi in his refrigerator and LOVES chinese new year. He is the man of my dreams and the best white male any culturally aware asian chick could possibly ask for! )

I couldn’t resist the urge to put this on my blog, stolen from Stuff Asian People Like :

Asian chicks dig white guys. Somewhere in the midst of the pseudo-nationalistic indoctrination our well-meaning parents inflict upon us, we ladies stop paying attention and allow tall(er), skinny, white boy engineers to steal our hearts.

What’s up with the race treason? One theory: They love us. Asian fetish, yellow fever. Whatever you call it, there’s plenty of literature out there telling white men that we slant-eyed princesses are the exotic, submissive, and hypersexualized women of their dreams.

http://www.stanford.edu/~nancytpn/storage/kristin_kreuk.jpgThis post, however, is not about why white guys live in a delusional fantasy world. It’s a dissertation on why, despite the tawdry roots of our suitors’ affection, we just eat it up. One economist says it’s because Asian women are the least discriminatory female demographic (second-to-last paragraph)—that “the white man-Asian woman pairing was the most common form of interracial dating … because of the women’s neutrality, not the men’s pronounced preference.”

Uh, ok. Whatever. What about our strict fathers and sheltered childhoods? Plus, we all saw how well that John Lennon/Yoko Ono thing worked out. And we can’t resist everything white men have to offer—and no, I’m not talking about that. White men indulge our deepest PDA-fantasies; they hold our hands, they aren’t terribly cerebral about their emotions, and they will—heaven forbid—tell their parents that we’re actually dating. Asian parents don’t do any of that gross hand-holding, making-out stuff. https://i0.wp.com/star-ecentral.com/archives/2006/9/22/movies/f_03robbhood.jpgAsian boys learned the lesson; girls, not so much.

Lastly, if you think this is all a pile of BS, we all can agree on one tangible reason the Asian/white pairing works so well. God knows we all just want highly attractive children, and halfie babies are so damn cute.

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