il n’est pas juste
juin 30, 2008, 06:26
Filed under: Life

When opportunity knocks, answer. If only it was as simple as that. So far in the short span of 2 months I have passed up on two excellent job opportunities. The first offered to me was for a private contracting firm looking for Chinese linguists in Northern Virginia, and the second was for a Japanese investment firm dealing with professional traders in foreign exhange in the ginza district of Tokyo. This was the result of what little effort I made like putting up my resume all over the internet and sending it to the second company randomly. I was magnanimously granted an interview at the ginza, 10.30am this morning but because my nus email has been screwed up for the last week or so I didn’t read the email until this morning. At 13.45 no less. Flabbergasted I was, and immediately sought to purchase a ticket to tokyo afterall NWA is having their summer sale now. But rationality held me back. It just seems absolutely stupid to fly down for an interview when I can’t even legally start work until next summer in Japan. Yes, I also have school thank you very much. After sulking around for a half hour, bitter that 2 stellar opportunities should just be passed up like this I am still wary about job seeking in Japan. So far I’ve been somewhat resigned to my impending fate as an English teacher in Japan, earning ok wages, doing a shit job that requires no intellect whatsoever, but generally happy because of Patrick. I am not afraid of joblessness as I am scared shitless of measuring my self-worth from the employment I will be hired for. You cannot deny the materialistic little voice in you that tells you an investment banker sounds a lot more impressive than you know, a janitor. It sounds so terribly condescending but that’s how we all think innit?

This is my dilemma. I don’t want to be an english teacher in Japan but I also fear that I won’t be hired. And amidst feeling quite shitty after trawling numerous job sites and seeing that Japanese is a language requirement ( well of course natalie ), and seeing how I can’t speak much of it, I can’t help thinking to myself that there is a high chance of me becoming an english teacher if I want to get employed at all.

I fear optimistism.

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