through the looking glass
décembre 9, 2008, 10:35
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis

I can’t wait for Patrick to get here. This is a daily mantra I chant to myself even though I know it will not make him appear any quicker, it keeps me going. While life is mostly good in Portland, my in laws get on my nerves. I’m gonna be daring and write this here because I think everyone deserves to know the shitty, as well as good parts of my life. And truth be told, it is stifling living here. They are for one, staunch Christians and knowing how much I cuss, I have to watch my words. I can’t even say « damn » or « screw ». I have to go for weekly sermons at a church I somewhat disapprove of, because it reminds of me city harvest. The comparison is frighteningly close, both churches are huge enterprises and I disapprove of the style of worship. It resembles a concert and church for me, is a time of contemplation and a place for peace seeking.  Indeed, I feel at peace when I am surrounded by the infinity of the universe under the darkest skies or in the humblest of Churches, and when I marvel at the beauty of stained glass windows of ancient Churches in Europe I am at peace with myself and the world. Never have I ever felt the least compelled to worship in large modern churches like these, with their expensive techno gizmos and their annoying audiences who speak in « tongues » — little more than just incoherent gibberish conjured to deceive. Although I must say, the pastor is pretty awesome and preaches spectacularly, that is when he is physically there and not an apparition on the stupid projector.  But I’m tired of always stepping on egg shells, afraid to say something insensitive about my weight whenever Sarah is around because I found out last year that she cried upon discovering that I wear XS. I’m tired of her constant fighting for patty’s attention when ironically I like to be left alone anyway to my own devices. But I cant because I am expected to hang out with the family. I feel myself growing into a social recluse. I am tired of being condescended upon. Sarah found the need to explain what Victoria’s Secret is when I asked her where she bought her betsey johnson pjs from expecting either ebay or nordstrom. I am growing weary of Sarah’s crying, wheedling and attention craving / manipulation ways. Like a child, she grows petulant when her desires are not met or when people dont do things her way. She complains first of sudden pains and aches of mysterious origins. Lately she has been worse. After her car accident last week, in which she promptly calls mother dearest ( as always ) ,  she has been more anwry of late because of her back pain which should disappear if only she takes her medication on time. God. She is also awfully emotonal, and cries at the littlest thing so much so that I cannot refuse her cherry pie. I am too polite and frightened to tell her :

I hate maraschino cherries.

I am tired of being emotionally blackmailed.Most of the time I feel like the outsider I am, subjected to scrutiny of my every way and nervous of making mistakes that will jeopardize my relationship with them. Afterall we are strangers connected only by a flimsy certificate and the love of their son and brother.

Of course when I complaint to Patrick, he rebukes me and reminds me to be kind because it is Christmas. I personally don’t see how Christmas has anything to do with being frustrated or complaining. ‘Tis the season to be merry/jolly/giving but get off your high horses; this cross I’ve been bearing is wearing me thin. Life manifests itself in reality and I too am human.

Thank god for Germaine. I had a great time venting tonight, she shared my angst and we laughed a lot of it off. At the end of it, I gained strength and realize that maybe I am more patient/tolerant than I give myself credit for. The miracle of technology is that it has the power to connect people even when they’ve not actually met. I’ve learnt that time and time again, with Patrick and now Germaine too. Its tragic, everyone of my friends in Singapore feel so distant, all caught up with exams, school, tests, papers. Everyone’s caught up with the chasing their own dreams of being a banker, accountant, businessperson, making grades, boyfriends and life spins us around 360.  These days, I feel so disconnected from Singapore it was as if everything was a dream, a distant memory from a long time ago. Real world has become the internet for me where I can find everything I need for my gift buying, quench my retail thirst, purchase my books, earn my keep and do all if not most of my socializing on days where everyone in the house works. I talk to my parents online, I show them pictures of my caramel, my sugar cookies and my heart breaks when my mom says she wants to try some because they look delicious.  Something in me withers and dies when my little brother begs and wheedles for me to come back. And sometimes, I sit out on the porch if only to wave to passing cyclists to remind myself that there is life outside and I am not alone. I’m happier in Maryland where I’m there only with Patrick and we pass the time peaceful and thankful. When I am in Maryland, my world is the both of us. Here, I have only myself and Germaine to confide online but nobody to hug me and tell me its alright. I am lonely here. And perhaps I get frustrated with Sarah because I too, crave an iota of attention, respect and love. Perhaps, I too a self proclaimed recluse who at times, pride herself at being strong and unyeilding secretly want to be accepted just like everyone else. It is hard though, because her husband and daughter are one and the same. In the end, I retreat into my room crestfallen and bitter.

I’m tired now and haven’t the energy to embellish my life with the glitter of perfection. Everything I’ve said here is not embellished or untrue and I’m sure the subject I speak of knows it herself to be true.

Goodnight world.

août 8, 2008, 06:47
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis

The week fades into oblivion when the alcohol bleeds into your system and night fades into day. Its friday again but I am partied out.

I’m literally pissing away my savings, so here’s a little reminder to sober up.

remets-toi vivre.
juillet 15, 2008, 12:54
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis, Prison of Academia

How many days more of this can I possibly take. If there’s one thing in the world I cherish more than Patrick, it is the happiness of coming home to empty solace. I use to make the effort to come home from school earlier, so I could be alone in a solitude that the house offered me; away from the incessant noise that is Singapore. The parents would be at work, Daniel at our grandmother’s and Hilary at school. But gone are the days because at the threshold of Daniel’s PSLE, my mom has taken 5 months of leave. In the mornings, it is just the two of us. She pads around the house, randomly sweeping the floor with a clockwork mop that makes a mechanical clickety clack sound. That or she talks on the phone to random people ; salespersons, travel agents, working colleagues, or ex classmates. Whoever at her time disposal, the telephone is only an arms’ reach away. Mistakenly, my mother thinks that having just the two of us at home offer her the intimacy of mother-daughter talk. Unfortunately, I refuse to partake in this. This is not without reason, pardon me I can’t talk to someone who repeats my answer 3 times as if incredulous at everything I say. My thought discourse can certainly be shocking at times making people wonder if I am mentally sound. And in some ways, they are not far off from the truth. I cannot however, hold a decent conversation with a woman who chooses to repeat what I say thrice over, and then proceed to ask me the same question only rephrased in an absurd, helter skelter manner. She also tries to impart to me life’s valuable advice about divorces, materialism, and ironically waxes lyrical about my aunt’s household robot. When Daniel gets back, the entire house is thrown into a noise frenzy. The cretin is unable to speak coherently, instead he communicates with others around him by yelling at the top of his lungs. Obsessed with everything military, he lines his toy soldiers up all over the house furniture. Last night, in the fit of rage I took the pleasure of razing all his militia to the ground. One day when I feel mean enough I will incinerate his men.

Everyday I die a little. Somedays, I sink into a deep depression. Today was an exceptionally shitty day, and no there is no way I can be eloquent about it. After running for the bus in a bid to catch up with a familiar face, with hair flying all around my perspiring visage I of course, missed the bus arriving to class 10 mins late. Dr Yew was exceptionally boring today so I spent the lesson frying my brains out with stress over graduation requirements, and going to the dean’s office without finding anyone of course because that’s the way bureaucrats work; they leave for lunch early before the stipulated time of 1pm and come back at quarter past 2. Lunch was better, perhaps it quelled the angry hunger within me or maybe because I actually had some human contact. I also saw the strange guy who is always on my bus after no seeing him for the whole of last week. Curiously, he seems to always hang out with a bunch of Chinese, pale faced and stricken with work anxiety the little group is always quiet and he sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m still trying to figure out his ethnicity, perhaps eastern european or jewish, middle eastern? It intrigues and secretly pleases me that he stares at me at length. What girl doesn’t like to be flattered like that? The only contact we’ve had was 3 weeks ago on a Thursday when I dropped my ISM report unknowingly and he had picked it up, and handled it to me. Deep in thought about Khao San and the Burmese opium syndicate, I distractedly muttered my thanks. It was not until the following tuesday that I noticed him again, staring at me as we walked past each other in the FASS corridor. Today, again he stared at me without offering even a smile and I thought to myself that this was starting to get a little creepy.

When I finally went back at 2pm, a lady at the counter was a bitch about things. My day couldn’t have been more perfect. I’ve always loathed working with low level bureaucrats who with their insecurities and crappy pay , assuage their misery by picking on harmless students who are nothing but polite. Albeit, coldly so.

Other annoyances include the passport-visa issue. It seems I will have to forsake the $70 I paid for my new passport because it is a small price to pay compared to another air ticket for me to fly back to Singapore and then to the US gto renew my 90 days visa waiver limit of staying in the US. With the visa, I have 6 months. Second mini issue to grumble and sulk about; northwest has cheap tickets to portland in July and September but not August. I contemplated waiting it out till Sept 11th ( little wonder why the tickets are cheaper ) but 2 more months of this household madness will kill me if I don’t decide to take my own life first. So August 25th it is. Afterall it’s only a difference of $200 between heaven and hell. Not that portland is heaven but at least the climate there isn’t unbearable unlike this place.

I have a splitting headache now, coupled with an earache that is really making my life unbearable. As an afterthought, I’d like to add that all the mistakes in my life started in university. NUS really blows and this is how much.

juin 20, 2008, 04:01
Filed under: Mes Amis

crystal says:
i mean if u buy it, there’s only S M L and XL anyway right?
Faut souffrir pour d’être belle ★ // 82 says:
yeah that is true!
crystal says:
so if there are pple who dun reply, u could just SML them and tell them to alter it
Faut souffrir pour d’être belle ★ // 82 says:
SML simi lan?

crystal says:
wtf small MEDIUM large -_-

Creepy. Intense. Kafkaesque.
avril 5, 2008, 17:31
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis

Don’t be a philistine. I went even if my ISM is due on tuesday especially since I had a free $52 ticket — the most expensive of the selection.

You won’t be disappointed, I promise.

Bonne St-Valentin!
février 16, 2008, 06:13
Filed under: L'Ecole, Life, Mes Amis


Mon Amis
février 6, 2008, 13:39
Filed under: friendship, Mes Amis

Thank you to everyone who sat with me and listened to me bawl my eyes out yesterday at the chatterbox. I think I exiled everyone from the MC room with my tears so kudos to the amazing people who sat by me and talked me out of my misery. To Royston whose presence and matter of factness gave my mind some clarity, to Sarah for her maturity and sense of reason that made me see what I needed to do, to Aileen who bought me lunch when I didn’t dare face the world outside, to Moniza who just sat and held my hand throughout the entire ordeal, to Lynette for her hugs and blithe disposition.. Thank you all so much, I wouldn’t have known what to do with myself if you guys weren’t there and that’s the truth.

On a lighter note, here are some of my favorite pictures from Aileen’s 22nd birthday celebration on Sunday at Wakaru, Cuppage. Their food is excellently prepared — freshest seafood ever with reasonable prices and fabulous service!







dim sum dollies!
octobre 22, 2007, 18:48
Filed under: friendship, Life, Mes Amis, Retail therapy, Thoughts

What a busy weekend!

We hosted my aunt, uncle and Kara at the No Signboard restaurant on Saturday. The seafood was really good although the service sucked somewhat. But hey, it’s Singapore, ’nuff said! The restaurant has a signboard and a name to go with, which might account for the little turn out on a Saturday night. The chill crab was beautifully spicy, just the way I like it and I couldn’t help but wish that my hubs was there to savor the sweet-sour tang of the dish. The one that we had when he was here in February was somewhat tasteless and dull, all for the same price too! Complaints aside, the ‘rents promised that we would go to Long Beach for quality seafood the next time he comes. It was also great seeing Kara again since NYC and our road trip last summer at the Chesapeake and Williamsburg. I love how she’s her chirpy self, full of comments about everything with an insatiable buzz of curiosity about her.

Business-wise, I had 7 orders on friday and saturday alone! It felt really good to get so many sales.. I made a mental note to do some major bead shopping on monday. Which was what I did today after a titillating brunch of Dim Sum with Joyce.



It’s pretty good but we agreed it was nothing compared to the chinese restaurants in New York, Toronto and Los Angeles. The irony is sublime ; dim sum in N. America is WAYY better than that in Singapore. It’s because of the influx of immigrants from Canton that made their way to the US at the onset of the Maoist Revolution as well as the PRC takeover of Hong Kong. Many people, mostly the rich were afraid of being subsumed under the communist government because that would mean that all their wealth would be redistributed according to the Marxist mantra. So of course they left to seek greener pastures with the blue, red and white. And while they’re at it, their capitalistic instincts kicked in which explains why you have a deluge of Chinese restaurants springing up in every nook & cranny of china town!

Anyway, as you can tell, I’m in a sprightly mood today. It felt so good to just chill out with Joyce with a delectable array of chinese cuisine and really good brewed jasmine tear. Its the excellent company and the knowledge that I only have one semester more to go before I’m outta here. Singapore sure ain’t that bad if you know the right people to chill out with 🙂

Next stop, La CantinaVenetia.

newest purchase
octobre 6, 2007, 22:14
Filed under: Retail therapy

I’ve been eying this bianco stellina for a while now, last monday I was watching the same bag on ebay but didn’t bother staying up to bid for it. At closing, it sold for $64 USD. I was PISSED.

On Wednesday, Stovie and I figured out a nifty way of bidding without being actually in front of the computer. It’s the excellent little tool of the ebay bidding assistant! What it does is it lets you stay ahead of the latest bidder by like a dollar until it hits your maximum bidding cost, which was $80 for me. Pat and I went out with Becca & Dave, and when I got back I was pleasantly surprised that I had won the bid at 76.50. So I requested for next day shipping and it came this morning since the seller only shipped it out yesterday. But she is SO nice! She absorbed the cost of 10 bucks extra, after my initial payment of 9 bucks when next day USPS shipping cost for the bag was 19.50! Such a sweet seller! She redeems all my shitty experiences on ebay which is like, a lot. Anyway, getting my bag made my entire day! I brought it out to grocery shop at the commisary and when we got back, just as I was shutting the car trunk the cover scraped on my bag and dirtied it some! I pretty much flipped out cuz the bag is like all white ( i love all things white : shoes and men haha ) and made Stovie drive me to the supermarket to get me some Scotchguard, cleaning pen and Mr Magic Eraser. I spent the next 30 mins removing the dirt which was 98% successful and scotchguard the entire bag. While I was at it, I cleaned my white birks with the magic eraser sponge and scotch guard that as well as my suede roxy slips.

Evolution homework has been put on hold because I am absolutely CLUELESS on that shit. He is a pretty horrible teacher if you’re wondering and everyone says so too so its not just me 🙂

ANYWAY, here are some pictures of my spanking new bag which came with a qee!


Anyway, we were at the ComEx and I went to check to see if they had anymore of the COACH sneakers I’ve been looking at for 2 weeks. AND THEY DIDN’T! Not in size 6 anyway 😦 They had a gray version which Patrick said would match most of my clothes but I wanted the gold ones because they’re so damn pimp:


The gray ones are nice too!
