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décembre 26, 2008, 21:41
Filed under: Life

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through the looking glass
décembre 9, 2008, 10:35
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis

I can’t wait for Patrick to get here. This is a daily mantra I chant to myself even though I know it will not make him appear any quicker, it keeps me going. While life is mostly good in Portland, my in laws get on my nerves. I’m gonna be daring and write this here because I think everyone deserves to know the shitty, as well as good parts of my life. And truth be told, it is stifling living here. They are for one, staunch Christians and knowing how much I cuss, I have to watch my words. I can’t even say « damn » or « screw ». I have to go for weekly sermons at a church I somewhat disapprove of, because it reminds of me city harvest. The comparison is frighteningly close, both churches are huge enterprises and I disapprove of the style of worship. It resembles a concert and church for me, is a time of contemplation and a place for peace seeking.  Indeed, I feel at peace when I am surrounded by the infinity of the universe under the darkest skies or in the humblest of Churches, and when I marvel at the beauty of stained glass windows of ancient Churches in Europe I am at peace with myself and the world. Never have I ever felt the least compelled to worship in large modern churches like these, with their expensive techno gizmos and their annoying audiences who speak in « tongues » — little more than just incoherent gibberish conjured to deceive. Although I must say, the pastor is pretty awesome and preaches spectacularly, that is when he is physically there and not an apparition on the stupid projector.  But I’m tired of always stepping on egg shells, afraid to say something insensitive about my weight whenever Sarah is around because I found out last year that she cried upon discovering that I wear XS. I’m tired of her constant fighting for patty’s attention when ironically I like to be left alone anyway to my own devices. But I cant because I am expected to hang out with the family. I feel myself growing into a social recluse. I am tired of being condescended upon. Sarah found the need to explain what Victoria’s Secret is when I asked her where she bought her betsey johnson pjs from expecting either ebay or nordstrom. I am growing weary of Sarah’s crying, wheedling and attention craving / manipulation ways. Like a child, she grows petulant when her desires are not met or when people dont do things her way. She complains first of sudden pains and aches of mysterious origins. Lately she has been worse. After her car accident last week, in which she promptly calls mother dearest ( as always ) ,  she has been more anwry of late because of her back pain which should disappear if only she takes her medication on time. God. She is also awfully emotonal, and cries at the littlest thing so much so that I cannot refuse her cherry pie. I am too polite and frightened to tell her :

I hate maraschino cherries.

I am tired of being emotionally blackmailed.Most of the time I feel like the outsider I am, subjected to scrutiny of my every way and nervous of making mistakes that will jeopardize my relationship with them. Afterall we are strangers connected only by a flimsy certificate and the love of their son and brother.

Of course when I complaint to Patrick, he rebukes me and reminds me to be kind because it is Christmas. I personally don’t see how Christmas has anything to do with being frustrated or complaining. ‘Tis the season to be merry/jolly/giving but get off your high horses; this cross I’ve been bearing is wearing me thin. Life manifests itself in reality and I too am human.

Thank god for Germaine. I had a great time venting tonight, she shared my angst and we laughed a lot of it off. At the end of it, I gained strength and realize that maybe I am more patient/tolerant than I give myself credit for. The miracle of technology is that it has the power to connect people even when they’ve not actually met. I’ve learnt that time and time again, with Patrick and now Germaine too. Its tragic, everyone of my friends in Singapore feel so distant, all caught up with exams, school, tests, papers. Everyone’s caught up with the chasing their own dreams of being a banker, accountant, businessperson, making grades, boyfriends and life spins us around 360.  These days, I feel so disconnected from Singapore it was as if everything was a dream, a distant memory from a long time ago. Real world has become the internet for me where I can find everything I need for my gift buying, quench my retail thirst, purchase my books, earn my keep and do all if not most of my socializing on days where everyone in the house works. I talk to my parents online, I show them pictures of my caramel, my sugar cookies and my heart breaks when my mom says she wants to try some because they look delicious.  Something in me withers and dies when my little brother begs and wheedles for me to come back. And sometimes, I sit out on the porch if only to wave to passing cyclists to remind myself that there is life outside and I am not alone. I’m happier in Maryland where I’m there only with Patrick and we pass the time peaceful and thankful. When I am in Maryland, my world is the both of us. Here, I have only myself and Germaine to confide online but nobody to hug me and tell me its alright. I am lonely here. And perhaps I get frustrated with Sarah because I too, crave an iota of attention, respect and love. Perhaps, I too a self proclaimed recluse who at times, pride herself at being strong and unyeilding secretly want to be accepted just like everyone else. It is hard though, because her husband and daughter are one and the same. In the end, I retreat into my room crestfallen and bitter.

I’m tired now and haven’t the energy to embellish my life with the glitter of perfection. Everything I’ve said here is not embellished or untrue and I’m sure the subject I speak of knows it herself to be true.

Goodnight world.

Betty crocker in the making
décembre 9, 2008, 07:23
Filed under: Agent of Amour, Life, Suburbia America

Here’s the caramel I helped mom make yesterday; I even cut and wrapped them all by myself this afternoon!

And the fudge :

In our usual emails, I told my parents what we did this past weekend and this is what my dear ol’ dad said:

« Good that you contribute to the family.When you are back for CNY, perhaps you could put your cookie making and decorating skills to use to help mama make pineapple tarts. Then you can make some for Pat anytime when you are back in the US. If you are good may be can sell them during the Christmas and thanks giving seasons. Can make quite a tidy sum of money. 🙂  « 

hur hur.
I told him that I’d be more than happy to help my mom with the pineapple tarts this cny because Patrick loves them. One major reason why I never really helped with the baking was because NUS professors usually give a shit ton of homework or tests after cny. They clearly want us to study over our break, which is horrbly unfair because most of them are angmohs who take the time off to visit some other country in the proximity and us chinese kids have to slave over homework/tests after a longass day of visiting family. This, my friend is cultural insensitivy. All the white man’s fault I tell ya 😀

secret memories
décembre 7, 2008, 06:31
Filed under: Life

« Perhaps that’s why I hoarded the world: with the hope that when I died, the sum total of my things would suggest a life larger than the one I lived. »

– The history of love by Nicole Krauss

Andy, Sarah and I went to an estate sale this morning with hopes of finding our personal little treasure. An estate sale is the sale of everything previously owned by the recently deceased held in his/her house. It was my very first and I was tres excited. Up till recently, my dad and I use to go sieving through bazaars and flea markets all over the world from the chinatown area in Singapore to vintage stores of Quebec. He would’ve been in material haven today if he was with us especially seeing how soo many vintage records, like Puccini’s Madame Butterfly were going for sale at a dollar each. He loves records and even has a record player haha. Anyhow the estate sale got me thinking about my own mortality. Human beings often speak fondly of leaving a legacy behind for their offspring; indeed the evolutionary rationale for procreation and the religious belief of an afterlife are both entrenched deeply in the desire to prove that death is not finite. I looked around the house and realized that strangers like myself will only have material possessions through which we judge the personality of that lady. So as I looked through all her things for sale, I sculpted her personality and body shape in my mind. She must have been petite to wear size P jackets. She had a beautiful Punjabi suit so she must’ve been quite knowledgeable of other cultures, she owned a Puccini record and several Brahm ones so she was not a philistine. The Inuits believed that when a person dies, their soul shatters and each shard finds a home in every possession of the deceased. While I may be an atheist, I couldn’t help but respect the profundity of this metaphor; because every single item that we own has an eclectic of secret memories, witnessed things unseen by outsiders, contain invisible fingerprints and a sentimental value. In a beautiful way, we are what we own and our things tells an ornate story about who that person was.

Sadly, I started thinking cynically about how others descend upon the dead like vultures and your money/possessions get divided among relatives or swooped upon by others looking for a good buy at your estate sale. Suddenly there’s a bit of you sitting on the mantel piece above someone’s fire place or your heart is ticking away in that ornate little pocket watch your husband bought you in Germany, triumphant from the war. How terribly morbid.

décembre 3, 2008, 22:19
Filed under: Agent of Amour, Life, Suburbia America, Thoughts

After a huge fuss and the negation of one flight ticket back to Singapore later, I am in Portland to spend pre-Christmas with my in laws and Christmas with said family and Patrick. At first I thought I could bravely return and be strong in the face of dissolution and with Patrick’s encouragement I really thought I could do it. Finally my bags were all packed but the night before my flight I was sleepless and miserable so when I woke up at 4am for my flight two hours later, I made up my mind I was going to stay. We went back to bed and I woke up at noon, guilty but glad I was staying. But after Patrick laid out the stakes infront of me once again and his eyes shone with disapproval, my heart weighed heavy against my conscience as I picked up the phone and rescheduled my flight to portland for 2pm. I was fine all the way from lunch to when I got to Atlanta for my transit, after an hour delay due to shitty weather and a horrifying flight later with lots of tears shed in miserable claustrophobia pushing me over the edge of my sanity, I bravely decided that it would be better if I spent Christmas with Patrick here. So its half a ticket gone but I like to think that my angst would have been better curbed than to ruin the festive mood of the people I love. It would have been better if I stayed in Maryland, if Patrick in his guilt, hadn’t pursuaded me to buy that ticket to portland so early in dec so I could’ve had been with him in maryland but the deed is done and there is no going back to that. Still, I am comforted by Patrick’s impending arrival a little after 2 weeks later on the 19th. Parting has only been distressing for me but this time around, it was impossibly heartwrenching and while it has certainly been a hard decision, I am happy for the most part that I won’t be away from Patrick for too long. It is bittersweet though because believe it or not, in spite of all my angst and dislike for the Singaporean climate, I was looking forward to bead shopping, lychee martini ice cream at the quaint little shop corner in Arab street, warm tales of travel reminiscing with the lady boss there, cosy tête a tête with the girls over margaritas by the river, the light tinkling of the windchime at home in the silence of midnight like fairies tiptoeing across glaciers…. Oh be still my fluttering heart. But I only have to remember how miserable I am when Im not doing any of those things, and I am at peace with my decision.

Now we’re waiting to hear back from his military command about whether he will be assigned a hotel in florida for school so I can stay with him. Otherwise I certainly will fly back to Singapore or just stay there after cny. Sigh. I just want to turn the speed dial of time travel to start our muted joys of work routine in our lives, in Japan.

The Evangelist
septembre 18, 2008, 20:20
Filed under: friendship, Life, Suburbia America, Thoughts

I’ve had previous rants on why I dislike Christians and Christianity but today, I paused to think. I am surrounded by lots of shining exemplars, like Patty. She is the most amazing person I have ever met, without a doubt. I can wax lyrical on my mother in law forever and not tire from it. Besides having to take care of her husband, daughter, elderly mother who resides in a senior living house ( its real posh and they serve awesome food! ), she also helps me out with wedding preparation and even finds time to host a church cell group last sunday. Her dinners are also pretty good. All my life, I’ve developed this cynical complex and suddenly when faced with such love and warmth, I react the only way possible — positively. Rage and melancholia have been absent from my life instead I get a smile and a hug from Patty everyday. I thought Id have to deal with the same family stuff in Portland but its so different here.Patrick gets back real soon and we will be reunited again, cant wait. Sigh.

I am such a fortunate child.

Life is beautiful.
septembre 9, 2008, 06:08
Filed under: Agent of Amour, Life, Suburbia America, Thoughts, travels, wedding

Any previously existing wedding jitters have been replaced by a flurry of excitement waiting to explode into colorful confetti. Everything is finally coming together; the 2 tier cake lemon chiffon and coffee flavored in each respective tier crowned off with a dash of dark pink peonies has been chosen, the Vera Wang fitted and sent for alterations, the flowers picked to preen bouquets, the silver Enzo Angiolinis purchased, the wedding stationary inspected, the invitations mailed out, the church paid for… The pieces of a puzzle will fit together to form a stunning picture in 6 weeks. I can’t wait to see Patrick in a little over a week and more than anything else, I desperately can’t wait for our lives to finally meld together. Every time I picture our wedding, a bubble of excitement rises because this is all a secret to Patrick who will enjoy the intricacies of our wedding affair. Tonight, I lie on my bed and brushing aside the cliché of it all I want to shout my happiness from our rooftop into the darkest night. In Portland during the past week of amazing weather, my heart sings merrily below the clear blue skies everyday and I feel invincible like never before.

10,000 miles away
septembre 2, 2008, 23:58
Filed under: Life, Suburbia America

I have a nagging cold that refuses to go away no matter how many nyquils and dayquils I take. Happily, I’ve traded health for a bunch of other things. For instance, I get my own room, ample privacy and a steadfast internet connection. Additionally, I also get 2 sets of doting parents — a far cry from last week when mom was constantly egging on me. Patrick gets back in a little over 2 weeks and I’ve already bought my air tickets.

Life is good when the only thing you have to worry about is staying away from the refrigerator.

août 8, 2008, 06:47
Filed under: Life, Mes Amis

The week fades into oblivion when the alcohol bleeds into your system and night fades into day. Its friday again but I am partied out.

I’m literally pissing away my savings, so here’s a little reminder to sober up.

c’est vrai mais triste
juillet 18, 2008, 18:01
Filed under: Life, Thoughts

Je suis marié à mes mémoires.

. spellbound forever .